Today's Extra Special Cut Bouquet

Today's Extra Special Cut Bouquet


Today's Extra Special Cut Bouquet is hand arranged by one our our professional designers using the prettiest, freshest blooms available in the store. Each one is a custom, unique design, but feel free to put in the special instruction section and colour requests, or favourite flower varieties. These extra special bouquets often include a few roses mixed with other varieties of flowers such as liles, hydrangea, gerbera daisies etc wrapped like as a beautiful present ready for your sweetheart to put into her own vase.  If your recipient has a favourite colour or flower variety please let us know in the special instructions section, and if it's possible we will create around that!

Deluxe +$15.00
Premium +$30.00
Flowers bring joy and are a great way to connect in a meaningful way!
"Trust our designers to choose the best combination of flowers available however substitutions will often be necessary. Your support and understanding are very much appreciated. Thank you!"