The Fruit & Flowers Basket

The Fruit & Flowers Basket


The Fruit & Flowers Basket is a thoughtful gift that feeds both body and soul; with nutritious fruit for the belly and for the spirit a beautiful seasonal mix of pink, orange and green flowers accented by lush greens are arranged among a collection of fruit, gorgeously seated in a large basket to create a gift that expresses your warmest emotions from near or far.

We will contact the recipient before preparing this order to arrange a comfortable delivery time, this ensures quality freshness for both flowers and fruit.

* :
Deluxe +$25.00
Premium +$50.00
This product is unavailable.
Flowers bring joy and are a great way to connect in a meaningful way!
"Trust our designers to choose the best combination of flowers available however substitutions will often be necessary. Your support and understanding are very much appreciated. Thank you!"