Beautiful Heart Bouquet

Beautiful Heart Bouquet


An elegantly unique expression of your deepest condolences, this majestic mix of crème, white and lavender blooms includes fragrant roses and lilies to refresh and rejuvenate their spirits. Nestled among the blooms is a graceful angel sculpture* - a serene, spiritual keepsake they'll always treasure.


Substitutions of fresh blooms may be necessary due to timing and availability of product, but the substitution will be of equal value and will maintain the style and colour harmony of the original order


*Angel sculpture may have to be substituted for a similar keepsake figurine.

This product is unavailable.
Flowers bring joy and are a great way to connect in a meaningful way!
"Trust our designers to choose the best combination of flowers available however substitutions will often be necessary. Your support and understanding are very much appreciated. Thank you!"